Archived Tech Bits from REC-1
Tech Bits are short technology training sessions, provided free of charge through the State Technology Initiative in collaboration with RECs statewide.
All REC-1 Tech Bits sessions and registration.
Tech Bits
Excel 1: 4 Excel Hacks for Getting Information from Data |
Excel 2: Expanded Excel Hacks to Make Your Data Useful |
Excel 2.5: Flexible Named Ranges |
Excel 3: Essential Excel Techniques to Understanding Your Data |
Excel 4: Expanded Excel Techniques for Understanding Your Data |
Creating Macros to Automate Data Entry
Make It Easy to Use: 4 Hacks for User Friendly
Customizing Text Styles in Microsoft Word |
Better PowerPoint Presentations to Engage Your Audience |
Freebies on the Web!
Creating a YouTube Channel and Uploading Videos
Fundamentals 1 - Facial Clean up |
Creating an Electronic Signature |
Changing Colors |
2 Ways to Create Text Graphics |
Creating Profile Vignettes |